Human-centered Intelligent Systems Lab
We are looking for highly motivated students who are passionate about exploring first-of-a-kind, smart, little but mighty systems to be interwoven with our real life, in the areas of Mobile Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, and Applied AI. If you are interested, or would like to chat about any ideas, please just drop an email to Inseok at "i.hwang at"
Our group explores novel AI-infused human-centered systems that foster computing-rich human life, at the intersection of human-computer interaction, mobile computing, and applied machine learning.
In this light, our research mission is to create novel human-centered intelligent systems and applications to advance real-life human abilities and experiences, fueled by highly autonomous, cognitive, and ubiquitous agents, yet whose existence mostly stays unobtrusive. Our research is an interdisciplinary ensemble of computing systems, artificial intelligence, connected things, and real-life human factors, e.g., physical, emotional, cognitive & social.
From applications & human-factor perspectives, we disrupt our real-life problems by building and deploying first-of-a-kind AI-powered computing applications in various domains of (but not limited to) health & wellbeing, family & childcare, aging, and supporting underrepresented social groups.
From systems perspective, we think-ahead and design next-generation mobile/edge software platforms to accommodate highly usable machine intelligence and autonomously serve newly emerging real life-driven computing workloads.
(Sep. 2024) Donghyeon and Dayeon, our undergrad interns, have joined our team as a Ph.D. student and a master student, respectively. Welcome!
(Sep. 2024) Inseok is serving on the Technical Program Committee of IEEE PerCom 2025 as a TPC member.
(Aug. 2024) Inseok is serving as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member of ACM Web Conference (WWW 2025) for the Web, mobile, and WoT track.
(Aug. 2024) Media coverage! Our research on LLM- and IoT-powered system for children's personalized vocabulary learning via pervasive language profiling and bespoke storybook generation, has been featured on multiple news media: Chosun, Dong-A Science, TechXplore, ScienceDaily, 헤럴드경제, 전자신문, and many others.
(June 2024) Inseok is serving on UbiComp 10-Year-Impact Award committee (to be awarded at ACM UbiComp 2024).
(June 2024) Jikyeong, our undergrad intern, has won 🏆the 1st prize (최우수상) in the undergrad research projects (과제연구), in recognition of her outstanding work on a mobile AR system for enhancing a novice creator's cinematography skills. She even presented a live working demo of her system on a tablet. Congrats!
(June 2024) Donghyeon, our undergrad intern, has won 🏅the people's choice award (인기상) in the undergrad research projects (과제연구), in recognition of his creative work on inter-floor noise avoidance (층간소음 해소) by community-driven scheduling. This is a crisp example of what we value - tackling everyday problems. Congrats!
(June 2024) 🏆Award won! Our paper "PowDew", co-authored by Kyoosik Lee in collaboration with CyPhy Lab and EIS Lab, has been recognized as a Best Paper Award winner at ACM MobiSys 2024! Congratulations to all!
(May 2024) Inseok gave a lecture at Open Turing, a lecture series for public-friendly explanation of the contributions of Turing Award Laureates, jointly organized by POSTECH CSE, KAIST CS, and Seoul National University CSE. Inseok's lecture introduced the contributions of Dr. Alan Kay, who is the 2003 laureate and often referred to as the father of object-oriented programming and personal computing.
(Apr. 2024) 🏅Award won! Our upcoming CHI'24 paper, titled "Open Sesame? Open Salami! Personalizing Vocabulary Assessment-Intervention for Children via Pervasive Profiling and Bespoke Storybook Generation", has been recognized with an Honorable Mention Award. Congratulations to all!
(Apr. 2024) Paper acceptance! Our collaboration with KAIST, Yonsei University, and NUS on counterfeit powdered food detection using only a single smartphone and everyday commodity, done by Jonghyuk Yun, Kyoosik Lee, Kichang Lee, Bangjie Sun, and Jaeho Jeon, with the guidance by Prof. Jeonggil Ko and Prof. Jun Han, has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2024!
(Mar. 2024) Paper acceptance! Our paper on an LLM-powered & clinical-principled pervasive system for everyday-blended personalized language assessment & intervention, done by an inter-disciplinary team of Jungeun, Suwon, Kyoosik (HIS Lab so far), Eunae Jeong, Jae-Eun Cho, Dr. Wonjeong Park, and Prof. Dongsun Yim (Child Language Lab in Dept. Communication Disorders at Ewha Womans University), has been accepted to ACM CHI 2024!
(Feb. 2024) Kyoosik, our undergrad intern, has joined our team as a Ph.D. student. Welcome!
(Oct. 2023) 🏅Award won! Our demonstration of ProxiFit, proximal magnetic sensing for holistic weight exercise monitoring, has won the People's Choice Award for Demos at ACM UbiComp 2023!
(Oct. 2023) Inseok is serving as an Area Chair (AC) of ACM Web Conference (WWW 2024) for the Systems and Infrastructure for Web, Mobile, and WoT track.
(Sep. 2023) Inseok is serving on the Technical Program Committee of ACM MobiSys 2024 as a TPC member.
(Sep. 2023) Paper acceptance! Our paper on in-proximity magnetic sensing enabling holistic weight exercise tracking with only a single commodity mobile device by Jiha, Younho (AIoT Lab), and Jungeun, co-advised by Prof. Young-Joo Suh (directing AIoT Lab), has been accepted to ACM IMWUT (September 2023) and will be presented at ACM UbiComp 2023!
(Sep. 2023) Mingyeol and Seungwon, our undergrad interns, have joined our team as a Ph.D. student and a master student, respectively. Welcome!
(July 2023) Inseok is serving on the Organizing Committee of ACM MobiSys 2024 as the Finance Chair.
(June 2023) Sungjae and Jungeun will be presenting at the Top Conference Session 4 and 5, respectively, at KCC 2023, Jeju Island.
(June 2023) Jiha has joined our team as a Ph.D. student. Welcome!
(Apr. 2023) External funding! Our proposal on intelligent transport and mixed reality for manufacturing process has been accepted for funding via ICT R&D Innovation Voucher Program from Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), with Minjun Kim (PI) and 3 Co-PIs including Inseok. (KRW 500M == USD 390k, Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2024)
(Mar. 2023) Paper acceptance! The initial paper on our Human-AI Actuation project, which addresses a novel Human+AI symbiotic model in AI-rich pervasive sensory environment explored by Sungjae, Yoonsu, and Jaewoong, has been accepted to ACM IMWUT (March 2023) and will be presented at ACM UbiComp 2023! Again, the first full-paper ever of every author except an old guy. :-)
(Feb. 2023) Hyojin and Jeongwon, our former undergrad interns, have joined our team as Ph.D. students. Welcome!
(Feb. 2023) Paper acceptance! A paper on precise 3D-Localization-as-a-Service for lightweight mobile robots assisted by environmental LiDARs, in collaboration with Singapore Management University, has been accepted to ACM IoTDI 2023!
(Jan. 2023) Paper acceptance! A paper on a suite of human-centered AI systems for hassle-free family interactions overcoming temporal & spatial lock-ins has been accepted to IEEE Pervasive Computing!
(Dec. 2022) Sungjae, a master student and the inaugural member of our group, has successfully defended his master's thesis. Congrats!
(Dec. 2022) Mingyeol, our undergrad intern, has won 🏅the 2nd prize in the undergrad research projects (과제연구) out of a total of 66 projects, in recognition of his outstanding work on the zero-delay robotic telepresence system for immersive experiences. Congrats!
(Oct. - Nov. 2022) Jungeun, Sungjae, Hyojin, Yundong, and Jaewoong have made in-person attendance at ACM UIST 2022, a top-tiered conference in HCI, held in Oregon, United States. We presented 1 full paper and 2 live demos. Hyojin, Yundong, and Jaewoong served as student volunteers. We also stopped over in Seattle, having a visit to the Amazon HQ and meetings with the scientists and engineers currently working for Amazon and Apple. Find photos on our pictures page. :-)
(Sep. 2022) Jaewoong and Yundong, our former intern and researcher, have joined our team as Ph.D. students. Welcome!!
(Aug. 2022) Paper acceptance! Our paper on personalizing optimal sleep schedules based on sleep physiology and mobile technologies by Jungeun, Sungnam, Minki, Hyojin, and JaeEun has been accepted to ACM UIST 2022! The first paper ever of everyone except an old guy. :-)
(May 2022) Jungeun and Yundong have served as Artifact Evaluation Reviewers at ACM MobiSys 2022.
(Apr. 2022) Inseok is serving on the Organizing Committee of ACM MobiSys 2022 as an Artifacts Evaluation Co-chair, with Prof. Nirupam Roy at University of Maryland.
(Apr. 2022) External funding! Our proposal on affective XR support system has been accepted for funding from Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), with Jeonggil Ko (PI) and 6 Co-PIs including Inseok. (KRW 3375M == USD 2.75M, Apr. 2022 - Dec. 2025)
(Apr. 2022) External funding! Our proposal on AI and VR-based meta-factory system has been accepted for funding via ICT R&D Innovation Voucher Program from Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), with Do-wook Chen (PI) and 3 Co-PIs including Inseok. (KRW 500M == USD 410k, Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2023)
(Mar. 2022) Yundong has served as a Student Volunteer at ACM MobiCom 2021.
(Mar. 2022) Inseok will be giving a keynote in ACM HotEdgeVideo 2021 workshop, in conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2021.
(Mar. 2022) Yundong has joined our team as a researcher. Welcome!!
(Jan. 2022) Yoonsu, our undergrad intern, has won 🏅the 2nd prize in the undergrad research projects (과제연구) out of a total of 44 projects, in recognition of her outstanding work on building multi-roled embedded AI models for adaptive Human-AI Interaction. Congrats!
(Oct. 2021) Inseok is serving on the Technical Program Committee of ACM MobiSys 2022 as a TPC member.
(Sep. 2021) Jungeun will be continuing her frontier study as a Ph.D. student in our team!
(Aug. 2021) Media coverage. Our research on AI-augmented mobile-cloud service for inter-generational interaction has been featured in multiple news media: AI Times, Chosun, 교수신문, 전자신문, etc.
(June 2021) New external funding! Our proposal on XR (extended reality) and AI for contents meta-verse has been accepted for funding via Cultural Contents R&D Experts Training Program from Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA), with Sngmoo Lee (PI) and 6 Co-PIs including Inseok. (KRW 3,000M == USD 2.61M, June 2021 - Dec. 2023)
(May 2021) Paper acceptance! (no longer conditional :-)) Our paper on a new socio-physical layer on public IoT systems has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2021! More details will follow soon.
(Apr. 2021) Inseok will be serving as an Online Conference Co-Chair for ACM MobiCom 2021, co-chairing with Prof. Lu Su at Purdue University.
(Apr. 2021) Another external funding! Our proposal on AI and AR (Augmented Reality) based technology for automated fabric quality control has been accepted for funding via ICT R&D Innovation Voucher Program from Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), with Dohyung Kim (PI) and 3 Co-PIs including Inseok. (KRW 500M == USD 440k, Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2022)
(Feb. 2021) Sungjae has joined our team as a master student. An inaugural member!
(Feb. 2021) Inseok has begun his 3rd term as an Associate Editor of IMWUT (Proceedings of ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies), continuing his service on this journal's Editorial Board since 2017.
(Feb. 2021) First external funding! Our proposal on exploring a proactive human-AI interplay framework has been accepted for funding via the Consolidator Research Grant (중견연구자지원사업) from the National Research Foundation of Korea, with Inseok as the PI (Principal Investigator). (KRW 588M == USD 522k, Mar. 2021 - Feb. 2025)
(Jan. 2021) Paper acceptance! Our paper on AI-powered facilitators for inter-generational interaction has been accepted to ACM CHI 2021!
(Nov. 2020) Paper acceptance! Our paper on an intelligent wearable fitness assistant with hybrid "earable" and IoT sensors has been accepted to ACM SenSys 2020!
(Nov. 2020) Inseok will be serving on the TPC for ACM HotMobile 2021.
(Oct. 2020) Inseok will be serving as an Area TPC Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
(Oct. 2020) Inseok joins the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at POSTECH, as of October 2020.